Kay's Escort Agency » Female Escorts » Katy
"I can resist everything except temptation" (Oscar Wilde)
I am the perfect mixture of lady and erotic lover, and from the very first moment you will have the feeling that we’ve met before. I will guide you through our highlight and spoil you with my femininity. I have excellent manners and can move confidently in any circle. In addition, I am always well-styled and in a good mood. I’m the perfect companion for a visit to a museum or a business trip, as well as for a romantic dinner or a vacation together. I am very spontaneous and happy to embark on an adventure with you. However, when the bedroom doors are closed, another side of me comes out. I will seduce you, because I know for a fact that you have been waiting for this the whole time. I’ll make you forget that there is anything else besides us. You can escape everyday life with me, and I will make you lose your mind. I’m already looking forward to seeing you.
Art exhibitions, musicals, orchestra visits, wellness, sports, sightseeing and hiking. I have a motorboat licence for lake and inland waters and therefore enjoy spending time on the water.
Spinning, running and Pilates.
I like encounters that remain unforgettable and full of spiritual and sexual devotion. I love experiencing new things and creating highlights in life, far away from the stress of everyday life. Whether it’s over a nice dinner, feeling the waves on a boat or during an intense private time, it all puts a smile on my face. I love surprises and I welcome people, who are reliable and authentic with open arms.
Pessimistic and negative people. The inability to want to broaden one’s horizons. Unpunctuality and stinginess are also characteristics that I don’t like.
I don’t allow myself to be blinded by superficialities and see the person behind them. I am often praised for my punctuality and reliability. I am open to new experiences and can be spontaneous at the right moments ;-) I am humorous and will make you laugh. You are welcome to find out about my other strengths in person. ❤️
"I can resist everything except temptation" (Oscar Wilde)
Dry white wine, Gin Tonic, Champagne
Japanese, Indian, Italian
Red roses, white tulips, orchids
Bvlgari "Omnia Chrystalline"
Beautiful lingerie, e.g. from Agent Provocateur (bra EU75D/US34D; panties 36), which I would be happy to wear for you. Flowers, scented candles, a writing case, a nice purse, depending on your taste.
The spectrum of services is diverse and not everything could be included in our list. If you are missing any service for which no information has been provided, please do not hesitate to ask.
However, it should always be taken into consideration that it may depend on chemistry and personal hygiene when implementing different service offers and therefore cannot be guaranteed in advance.
Minimum duration 3hrs
Minimum duration 3hrs
Minimum duration 3 hrs
Minimum duration 3hrs
Minimum Duration 5hrs
Minimum Duration 3hrs
Appointments that take place outside of Frankfurt should be arranged at least 12 hours in advance.
Travel companion: Worldwide
Booking duration and travel expenses are calculated individually depending on location.
Dear Kay, thank you for arranging this past weekend. It was exactly what I needed and Katy is destined for great things. She’s wonderful.
Wishing you a great week and I’ll be in touch when next in Frankfurt later this year.
Dear Kay, the reunion was a wonderful experience. Katy is a very well-groomed, attractive, intellectual Escort Lady and an expert in the art of love.
Good morning Kay! I can’t say enough about Katy. Devastatingly Beautiful, smart as a whip, funny as hell. She made me feel like a king for the time we had together. I’m already looking forward to the next trip
Dear Kay,
The date with Katy was absolutely wonderful; we had such a lovely time together – which, of course, passed far too quickly. Katy is an adorable woman and exceeded all my expectations. Thank you, dear Katy, for such a beautiful date!
I would love to see Katy again, and as soon as the time permits, I’ll be in touch.
Many thanks also for the perfect organisation.
Dear Kay,
Once again, Thank You for all your help making the arrangements for a great evening.
The opportunity to spend another evening in Katy’s company was fabulous. Her laughter and her smile simply captivate me. Just thinking about watching her pretty face light up over so many ideas and thoughts is wonderful. I so very much would love to see her again.
Dear Kay,
as always, many thanks for your great help.
Saturday evening with Katy was again special in so many ways. Her wonderfully ready, contagious laugh simply captivates me. There was a slightly crazy mix of conversation topics and a nice dinner. Most of all, I will keep a wonderful visual memory of standing in the middle of the room looking into her pretty eyes and face. Perfect!
Katy is crazy good 👍 and I will see her again in the future… thank you Kay for all your support and I’m looking forward to working with you again and again…👍👌✌️You and your girls are the best !
Dear Kay,
The evening spent last night with Katy was wonderful, complete with inspiring conversation on topics serious to humorous. Watching her pretty face light up in that infectious, ready laugh was so very nice. I enjoyed every moment with her. I certainly hope she enjoyed our time together as much as I did. It would be beautiful to see her again.
Also, Thank you for your help. Settimo Cielo was very good. I believe Katy and I would both recommend it. It’s always great to be in your good care.
Liebe Kay, vielen Dank für das super passende Matching mit Katy. Wir haben uns von Anfang sehr vertraut verstanden, als ob wir uns schon ewig kennen würden. Alles hat sich sehr harmonisch ergeben. Katy hat die Situation souverän gemeistert. Es war in allen Belangen ein nicht zu übertreffender Abend. Ich bin mehr als froh, trotz einer anfänglichen Skepsis, dass die Verabredung mit Katy zustande gekommen ist und dass ich sie kennengelernt habe. Sie sieht deutlich besser aus und hat eine wesentlich positivere Ausstrahlung als es die Fotos auf ihrer Sed Card wiedergeben. Das nächste Mal wollen wir uns in Frankfurt treffen und sie möchte die Stadt zeigen. Nochmals 1000 Dank für die super passende Empfehlung, bis demnächst, herzliche Grüße
Katy is a lovely lady to spend time with. She is fluent in english for the non german clients like me. She is highly educated and as such is well aware of various topics and you can have a delightful conversation with her, as you are planning all of your naughtly thoughts. And when the time comes to enjoy the naughty time, she is willing to be creative and help you really enjoy yourself. I needed the conversation to be interesting and her ability to really understand me helped my sexual enegy. Thank you Katy
Hallo liebe Kay,
zunächst möchte ich mich bei Ihnen für den zuvorkommenden Service vor und bei der Buchung bedanken. Alles hat perfekt geklappt.
Katy war einfach wunderbar. Mit solch einer tollen Frau zusammen Unternehmungen zu starten und sich gut zu unterhalten hat großen Spaß gemacht. Sie ist eine unheimlich interessante, facettenreiche und attraktive Persönlichkeit, mit der die Zeit verfliegt.
Gemeinsam mit Katy an einem herbstlichen Nachmittag und Abend die Stadt von oben zu betrachten, einen kleinen Spaziergang zur Oper zu machen und Salome zu genießen war ein ganz besonders intensiver Moment für mich.
Hallo Kay.
Ich glaube ich hatte bisher nur ganz wenige Dates mit einer mir noch nicht bekannten Dame, das beim ersten Zusammentreffen so stimmig/harmonisch war.
Katy ist eine ganz tolle Frau.
Habe mich in ihrer Gesellschaft von Anfang an sehr wohl gefühlt.
Ich fand wir hatten einen ganz wunderbaren Abend und ich denke sie hat es auch sehr genossen.
Übrigens, das hatte ich dir extra nicht verraten, waren wir zum Essen im Zenzakan.
War eine kleine Überraschung, da ich gelesen hatte, dass es eines ihrer Lieblingsrestaurants ist.
Leider ging die Zeit (wie fast immer bei solch angenehmen Dates) sehr schnell vorüber.
Aber ich hoffe, dass ich Katy demnächst nochmals treffen kann/darf.
Bestell ihr bitte noch einmal meine herzlichen Grüße und ein großes Dankeschön für die angenehme Zeit.
Danke auch an dich für die Empfehlung.
Es hat wirklich alles gepasst.
Thank you Kay for arranging such perfect date, another perfect lady from your agency. Katy is a lovely young lady. She has lovely lips, perfect body and lovely breasts. her photos, of course, are 100% accurate. She holds good conversation and she know how to please a man, will recommend for everyone.
Hi Kay,
one more Angel your fountain is never dry. Katy was absolutely delightful. She is elegant, beautiful and charming… oh and so seductive, I´d love to take her to an island in paradise for a week or forever, there would be no boredom…
Dear Kay,
Thank you for arranging for me to meet Katy last weekend in Frankfurt.
I found her to be a wonderful date and I look forward to meeting her again on my next trip to Germany.
Please pass to her my thanks for a most enjoyable evening and I hope she will wish to meet up again.
Many thanks for your organisation of the meeting.
Hallo Kay,
leider hat der graue und stressige Alltag einen wieder komplett im Griff. Das Overnight mit Katy war eine traumhafte Auszeit aus diesem Hamsterrad. Katy ist die Erfüllung so ziemlich aller Sehnsüchte, top gestylt, fantastische Figur, erfrischende und selbstbewusste Gesprächspartnern und der Rest zaubert einem noch Tage später ein Lächeln auf die Lippen. Wie gesagt, nach dem Date ist vor dem Date, liebe Grüße, bis bald
Dear Kay,
like a spider, being with Katy is to be caught up in her web and all you can think about “Yes, please go ahead and eat me!”
Katy is sinfully delicious and dangerous irresistible. I could have not been more pleased how everything went. As Katy said goodbye, I felt a bit melancholic and I hope to see her again in a not so far future.
— It’s exciting to meet new and interesting people and very appealing to be able to live out your erotic fantasies. The sexual tension, the tingling in your stomach before every date is like a short break from everyday life. In particular, the people that you meet make it a very valuable “job”, as they enrich it and don’t just broaden your sexual, but also your entire horizon.
— I have a gift of quickly adapting to people without having to pretend. I am authentic, relaxed and bring passionate and burning fire to my counterpart.
— When time doesn’t matter, and you can just let yourself go. A nice dinner, open conversations and lots of togetherness.
— Sex is an essential and important part of my life. Giving oneself to a person, receiving and giving. Seeing a person completely relax, getting to know their ‘private side’ and experiencing a climax together is one of the most precious moments for me.
— I find it erotic when a person can indulge himself, knows what he wants and is successful. I also find candlelight, boats and water in general very erotic.
— I would like to discover much more of the world and experience new adventures. I’d love to go to an exclusive, erotic club with an experienced gentleman. I’m always up for a short vacation and a trip on a boat.
— openness
— generosity
— charm
— I like to talk about life, experiences and different points of view, as well as sexuality and art, which often go together for me.
— I feel comfortable in many styles of clothing. I find a beautiful, elegant dress just as sexy on me as jeans with a blouse.
— I’ve never been to Scandinavia; it would be very interesting to me. Beyond that, Singapore, the USA, and Paris again, again and again.
— ‘Rosa Grandl’ in Milan, Italy
— ‚Four Seasons‘ in Paris, France
— ‘Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne’ in Obbürgen, Switzerland
— ‚Franziska‘ in Frankfurt, Germany
— ‚Locale Firenze‘ in Florence, Italy
— ‚Grill Royal‘ in Berlin, Germany
— I was particularly impressed by the film “The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared” (2013), because I find it relieving that this movie deals with age in such a humorous way and that you come to realise, that you are only as old as you feel.
— Waking up without an alarm clock, a short sports session ;-) and some jogging. A stroll around the city or spending the day at the spa. A day without a hectic pace and according to the principle of pleasure is a perfect day for me.
— Kay is like a sister, friend and business partner all in one. She looks after clients and us ladies equally well and organises everything in advance so that we can have an unforgettable time together. Kay is highly reliable and always has the right instinct for the right match.
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